Correct Uneven or Excessive Gums For A Cleaner Smile

Crown LengtheningLearn how crown lengthening at your Charleston dentist's office can make the most of your smile.

Today's dental technology isn't just limited to whitening or straightening teeth. Crown lengthening is another cosmetic dentistry procedure targeted at revising the gum tissue. If the gum-to-tooth ratio is off, it can give the appearance of having short teeth and enlarged gums. This condition can also interfere with placement of other dental restorations. Your Family Dentist in Peoria is happy to provide this service to their patients who want to improve their smile.

What is crown lengthening?

Crown lengthening is a periodontal, or gum related, treatment that removes a portion of the gums to expose more of the surface of the teeth. Similar to getting a cavity filled, the targeted area is numbed with a local anesthetic. Your Glendale dentist will use handheld instruments to reshape the gum line. While some patients will only need gum tissue removed; others have more anatomy involved and may need a section of bone withdrawn as well. After the procedure, the gums will be thoroughly cleaned and sutured. A dressing designed to stay in place until the follow-up appointment will be applied. Pain medication may be prescribed, as well as an antibacterial rinse to keep the area clean.

Are there other reasons for crown lengthening?

Sometimes overlapping gum tissue will restrict the placement of a crown or other dental restoration on a tooth. Your Central Arizona dentist may use this same technique to contour that area of tissue to better accommodate the restoration. If the tooth has sustained damage - a fracture or decay - under the gum line, crown lengthening can be used to help prepare the area for further treatment.

Are patients happy with the results?

Dentists like Dr. Yadav and Dr. Koolick find that the vast majority of their patients are thrilled with the way their gums and teeth look after the process is finished. Their smiles are much more natural-looking and attractive.

If you're wondering how crown lengthening could improve your smile, call Your Family Dentist today to discuss your options with their qualified dental professionals.

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